The Real-Time MRI Articulatory Databases, Version 2 (rtMRIDB_v2) is a database of articulatory movements in Japanese as observed by using real-time MRI video imaging technology with a simple database query system. The database is released under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA and can be used for teaching and research in phonetics. For more information about the database specifications and search methods, please read the description here. For specifications of the database, please refer to chapters 2 and 3, and for the query methods, please refer to chapter 7. When using this database, please be aware that the principal investigator and the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) are exempt from any liability and any problems that may arise from its use.
Click here for the description of the first version of this database. Click here for information on how to obtain the mp4 video data of the first version (mp4 data of the second version will remain private for the time being).
Principal Investigator: Kikuo Maekawa
(April 1, 2024)